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WebResearcher is a simple web annotation tool written in javascript.


One of the challenges to using the internet as a means to learn is that, we oftentimes are unable to retain the information that we just read. But maybe we would not run into this issue if there was a way to pro-actively engage in the content.

WebResearcher is a simple web annotation tool written in javascript that lets you annotate a webpage, store your annotations locally and load them up again later. It also lets multiple users collaboratively share notes via a mqtt-server.


Method-1: Create a bookmarklet using the code available under bookmarklet/your-browser/editor-bookmarklet and you are good to go!

Method-2: Check out the extension branch on this repo for steps on how to run this as an extension.


Load bookmarklet on the webpage you would like to annotate and select some region in the webpage.

On Firefox

On Chrome

Video demo

(All demos were made on firefox. To follow on a chrome browser use Ctrl+Alt instead of Ctrl+)

Basic Features:

Sharing notes with mqtt:

Searching notes using searchmonkey:

Custom builds

If you want to make a version with different controls, you can certainly do so by editing the values for the following variables in editor.js

var createNoteKeyCode = 49 ;  // corresponds to 1 on keyboard
var saveAnnotationsKeyCode= 50; // corresponds to 2 on keyboard
var loadAnnotationsKeyCode=51 ; // corresponds to 3 on keyboard
var startmqttKeyCode=52 ; // corresponds to 4 on keyboard

// controls the specs of the notes

var defaultNoteColor = "#ffffcc";

var defaultFont= "13px";

var defaultOpacity = "80%";

And copying the contents of this updated editor.js and making yourself a bookmarklet here: There are also several changes that you can make to the pell text-editor (e.g., add a button which turns text to a heading). In editor.js these are under pell.init().

Useful resources

How to add bookmarklet?

How to convert javascript code to bookmarklet:

How to convert bookmarklet to chrome extension

JS modules that this tool uses